Academic Advising Certificate of Completion
The Academic Advising Certificate Program offers academic advisors and other professional members of the advising community the opportunity to customize their advising techniques to meet their individual advisement responsibilities.
To earn a certificate, participants will complete six hours of training through courses from each of three topic areas, for a total of 18 hours.
Substitutions for CPE courses (such as discipline-specific conferences, seminars, workshops, and classes) will be considered satisfactory for completion of one-half or 50 percent of the course requirement in each of the three topic areas. Permission for substitutions is requested through the department chairperson or supervisor. If feasible, participants can also work with a mentor to customize an individualized program.
Certificate program courses are designed by in-house academic professionals as well as professionals from the community and are offered throughout the school year.
Topic Areas
Foundations of Advising
Both new and experienced advisors can benefit from training based on advising theory and current practices.
Suggested topics include:
- New Advisor Training Advising and the Enrollment Process
- Making Effective Placement Recommendation
- Advising Theory
- Advisors’ Roles and Responsibilities
Advising Special Groups
Post-secondary students are a diverse and challenging population. Under-standing how to manage, engage and motivate these students is essential to student-centered learning and the achievement of institutional goals.
Suggested topics include:
- Advising Community College Students
- Advising Students in Academic Difficulty
- Advising International Students
- Career Advising
- Distance Education Advising
Advising Tools and Resources
Effective integration of technology through advising tools and resources serves to guide, expand and enhance student-centered advising. Advisors will be given an opportunity to learn how to integrate different types of technology into their advising techniques.
Suggested topics include:
- Advanced Banner Training
- General Student Information and Admissions
- Registration Process
- Degree Audits
- WIReD and Web for Advisors
- College Resources