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Name Information
Wagner, Peter W.
Head Cross Country Coach
Athletic Department
Wagner, Rebecca L.

Education and Social Sciences
Wagner, Theresa A.
HVCC High School Program
High School Programs
Wait, Sherri M.
Office of the School of Engineering and Industrial Technologies
Waldin, Valerie A.

Business & Criminal Justice
Walker, Jennifer L.
Dental Hygiene
Walker, Maria D.
HVCC High School Program
Cardiorespiratory and Emergency Medicine
Walser, Stephanie L.
Daycare Teacher
FSA Daycare
Walsh, Christopher R.

Dental Hygiene
Walsh, Liam A.
Assistant eSports Coach
Athletic Department
Walsh, Thomas P.

Cardiorespiratory and Emergency Medicine
Ward, Mark R.
Custodial Worker
Custodial Department
Ward, Tracy Y.
Custodial Worker
Custodial Department
Ware, Damon
Assistant Football Coach
Athletic Department
Warlik, Shawn A.
Applied Technologies
Warmt, Michael J.
Assistant Professor
Applied Technologies
Warner, Stephen P.
Custodial Worker
Custodial Department
Warren, Julie
Director of Health Services
College Health Services
Washco, Michael S.

Education and Social Sciences
Waterhouse, Alvin
EOC Student Support Services
Waters, Eyzik J.
Custodial Worker
Custodial Department
Waters, Steve
Motor Equipment Operator Light
Grounds Department
Watson, Carrie G.

Education and Social Sciences
Watson, Lindsey

Instructional Media Center
Watt, Patricia M.
Wax, Dennis S.
Director of Strategic Planning
Institutional Effectiveness
Webbe, Robert S.
Instructional and Information Technology
Webber, Bryan
Information Technology Specialist
Instructional and Information Technology
Weed, James R.
HVCC High School Program
High School Programs
Weeden, Jeffery E.
Laboratory Assistant
Applied Technologies
Wein, Jeanne N.

Non-Credit, Non-State Aidable Offerings
Weinman, Lindsay M.
HVCC High School Program
High School Programs
Weir, Matthew J.
Building Maint. Super. II
Maintenance Department
Welburn, Derek
Network Engineer
Instructional and Information Technology
Welch, Tonjua L.
Stores Clerk/Inventory
Central Rcvg/Inventory/Mail
Werner, Jodi A.
HVCC High School Program
High School Programs
West, Erica M.
Account Clerk
Biology, Chemistry, and Physics
West, Walter J.
HVCC High School Program
High School Programs
Wetmore, Dawn E.
HVCC High School Program
Non-Credit, Non-State Aidable Offerings
Wheeler, Linda
Continuing Education
Wheland, Chris E.

Workforce Development
Whitaker, Robert A.
Education and Social Sciences
White, P. Phillip
Building Systems Technology
Whitehead, Joshua
Laboratory Assistant
Biology, Chemistry, and Physics
Whiteman, Elizabeth D.

Education and Social Sciences
Whitford, Kelly
HVCC High School Program
High School Programs
Whitlock, Michael J.
Custodial Worker
Custodial Department
Whitney, Cyrus E.
Assistant Football Coach
Athletic Department
Whitney, Steven T.
Assistant Professor/Educational Specialist
Learning Centers
Whittemore, Jordan O.
Assistant eSports Coach
Athletic Department
Whittemore, Kathleen

High School Programs
Wickham, Brian M.
Associate Professor
Eng, Arch & Manufacturing
Wickham, Terry
Laboratory Assistant
Applied Technologies
Wickizer, Lauren B.
Advising Specialist
Std Outreach, Advise, & Retention
Widman, Jean
Custodial Department
Wiesenberg, Meike

English, Foreign Lang & ESL
Wilber, Carol C.
EOC Institutional
Wilk, Sydney G.

Distance Learning
Wilkerson, Alicia
Principal Account Clerk
Procurement Services
Wilkie, Christa A.
HVCC High School Program
High School Programs
Willette, Katherine M.
Daycare Teacher
FSA Daycare
Williams, Brian
Staff Not on Payroll
Williams, Da'Antria
Program Assistant
Std Outreach, Advise, & Retention
Williams, Kimberly N.
Assistant Director
Non-Credit, Non-State Aidable Offerings
Williams, Laura M.
Liberal Arts & General Studies
Williams, Renay
Advising Specialist
Computer Information Systems & Math
Williams, Ronald
Assistant Bowling Coach
Athletic Department
Williams, William A.
Biology, Chemistry and Physics
Willis, Catherine
Education and Social Sciences
Willson, Jessica
HVCC High School Program
High School Programs
Wilson, Mykha'el J.
Part Time Ed Spec/Accounting
Learning Centers
Wilson, Patrick
HVCC High School Program
High School Programs
Wilson, Ronalyn G.
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs
Wiltshire, Ian J.
Wiltsie, Michele L.
Assistant Professor
Business & Criminal Justice
Wilwol, Dwain R.
Public Safety Shift Supervisor
Public Safety and Security
Wimmer, Sandra M.
Health,PhysEd&Exercise Studies
Winans, Kirk
Computer Science & Mathematics
Windover, Patricia C.
Program Assistant
Center for Careers and Transfer
Winter, Cellina M.
HVCC Consultants
Witte, Barry R.

High School Programs
Witte, Sarah A.
Assistant Professor
Medical Imaging
Wohlleber, William J.
Assistant Professor
Computer Science & Mathematics
Wolff, Russell S.

English, Foreign Lang & ESL
Wood, Lindsey K.
Eng, Arch & Manufacturing
Wood, Peter
Computer Science & Mathematics
Wood, Richard G.

Eng, Arch & Manufacturing
Wood, Robert S.
Applied Technologies
Woodbeck, Michele
Woods, Kathleen M.
Office of the Vice President of Administration
Wynne, Kevin B.
Instructor / Educational Specialist
Learning Centers
Wysocki, Todd M.
Education and Social Sciences