Cisco Proximity Instructions
Cisco Proximity allows the user to receive shared content wirelessly in Hudson Valley Community College's videoconference classrooms.
Cisco Proximity - Apple Devices
- Connect to HVCC-COMM wireless network using HVCC credentials
- Open App Store and search "Cisco Proximity"
- Use your Apple ID credentials to download
- Accept the agreement and click OK to enable microphone
- Your device will connect when you are in a videoconference room
- If the Instructor is sharing content (computer/document camera), the image will appear on your device
- Click the Snapshot icon to save the image to your camera roll
- Swipe across device to see previous slides
- When viewing previous slides, touch the picture-in-picture to see current slide
Note: You will be disconnected when closing the app or leaving the videoconference room.
PDF Diagram of Cisco Proximity for Apple Devices
Cisco Proximity - Android Devices
- Connect to HVCC-COMM wireless network using HVCC credentials
- Open App Store and search "Cisco Proximity"
- Click Install and then click Accept
- Accept agreement
- Your device will connect when you are in a videoconference room
- If the Instructor is sharing content (computer/document camera), the image will appear on your device
- Click the Snapshot icon to save the image to your camera roll
- Swipe across device to see previous slides
- When viewing previous slides, touch the picture-in-picture to see current slide
Note: You will be disconnected when closing the app or leaving the videoconference room.
Get in Touch
Videoconference Operations Center
Bulmer Telecommunications Center, Suite 247
Roger Pinke
Manager of Video Conferencing and Media Technology
(518) 629-8087
Eric Kiel
Video Conferencing and Media Specialist
(518) 629-7625
Jason Bourdeau
Multimedia Technician
(518) 629-7742
Request a Videoconference
For immediate technical assistance, call the IIT Help Desk at (518) 629-7364.