Custodial Services

Custodial Services is a section of the Physical Plant that performs several representative functions that play an important role in assisting the department in its' primary focus of providing an environment that aesthetically pleasing, safe, and functional for students, faculty, staff and visitors to the campus. 

Some of those functions include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Cleaning of all campus buildings, classrooms, labs and office spaces
  • Removal of trash, regulated medical waste and recycling materials
  • Special assistance requests for meeting set-ups and special events

Custodial workers are assigned to work four specific work shifts, and four special assignment custodians who perform meeting set-ups, office relocation, and other requests for assistance. The majority of the custodial staff personnel are assigned to work the 9:30 p.m. to 6 a.m. shift. Custodial workers assigned to work the a.m. shift (9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.) have routine job assignments throughout all campus buildings, and are often called upon to respond to emergency requests for assistance, e.g. cleaning up spills, retrieving lost text books, keys, etc. The a.m. shift personnel are responsible for maintaining office areas and all classroom building rest rooms throughout their work shift.

Custodial Standards


Dominic Herald
Custodial Supervisor I
(518) 629-8109

Tony Padilla
Custodial Supervisor II
(518) 629-8159